Eruptions to come

Let’s start with a question. Which country do you think has the most frequent volcanic eruptions? Before you read on (or peek below for the answer), take a minute to think about it. You can probably guess that Australia is not a front runner. In fact, only two or three countries readily come to mind.…

The Friday Update #9 (01/04/2016)

Albert casting a line in Yellowstone yesterday, trying to catch some whoppers! – taken from here   Welcome to another (late) weekly update.  I am sure everyone will agree that yesterday’s big news from Yellowstone deserved a day to be digested. In case anyone did not realize (and many did not), yesterday was April Fool’s day…

The Friday Update #7 (18/03/16)

Welcome the #7 of our weekly eruptions report.  This week appears to have been a fairly quiet one according to the VAAC reports with fewer eruptions reported than previous weeks. Map showing the areas of operation of the various VAAC bodies. Continuing the recent trend, London, Toulouse, Anchorage, Montreal and Wellington all have no reports in their respective…

The Friday Update #6 (11/03/16)

Welcome to another Friday update. I thought I would start with a brief look at the reports that get filed around the world and how to interpret them and translate them into something that can be easily read and understood. These reports can look quite daunting when you first look at them, but these are…

The Friday Update #5 (04/03/16)

Welcome to another Friday Update! This week also concludes the first month’s reporting.  I hope everyone is enjoying the series so far! I have enjoyed been heartened greatly by everyone’s comments.  I was unsure how the series was going to be received by everyone and It appears that this apprehension was unfounded. I have enjoyed…

The Friday Update #4 (26/02/16)

Welcome to another Friday update, after last week’s sad news of the death of one of our founding members ( we have received some positive news.   Expressen, Sweden’s largest evening newspaper has conducted a short interview with Henrik and following that, they have run two front page stories featuring articles from VC.  Firstly, they…