Volcanoes are often a cause of concern, worry, and adrenalinic excitement. But sometimes they just make us smile – and perhaps think. Enjoy.
Volcano happiness
The friendly volcano
The smiley volcano emoji
Volcanoes cause fertility
Volcano danger
Find the missing word
Who would have guessed?
When running away is a dead end.
Looking for a fast sale
I want one
The solution to all those troublesome ‘free gift’ volcanoes
Volcano driving
Keep driving
What road?
O, that road
Signs of the obvious
Spot the difference
Signs of optimism
Volcano management
The person to bribe
Volcano under new management
Volcano lighting
Lava illuminata
This is how to do it
Volcano phonics
Name that mountain
That makes it so much easier…
Safety in volcanoes
A selective volcano. Everyone else is fine.
But no volcanoes! So you can feel safe.
A Lurking special
What really happened to the dinosaurs
The final word
Departed privileges (seen in the village where Downton Abbey was filmed)
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Im not really sure what to think about this but I do quite like the first picture. Even if it is sort of creepy at the same time…
Oh what a lovely city you have there…. Imma…bury it in pyroclastic flows? Send lava flowing your way? Or make you coughing your lungs out with 3 years worth of ashfall??
Oh no, just too predictable. I’m in a midlife crisis, time to go for a deep change in my life. Go caldera muahahaha……
Or ‘what a lovely city .. may I join in?’ Bad damage can come from the best of intentions.
But what is the philosophy behind these photos?
No philosophy – just images with a volcano theme. Images are meant to get a response from us. They mean nothing in themselves. The images here have something unexpected, such as a different use of the word ‘volcano’, a happy but creepy smile, a sign damaged by the lava bombs it warns about, or a sign that no longer refers to its environment. The unexpected element jars with our normal response. In a way, volcanoes do that to us. The leave us in a state of uncertainty. We are hoping for an eruption and hoping it won’t happen at the same time. But that is as far as any philosophy goes. There isn’t always time to write a post..
Albert, I don’t often find things funny that others do, however this one made me smile and even, …. Gosh, looks over shoulder, whispers here, it made me laugh! My mum always said I had a black sense of humour but then I always thought, better that than no humour at all! So yes, I enjoyed that and thanks for the laugh! Sometimes one needs to laugh and not be too politically correct I find. 😉 🙂
Dear Albert,
Its late on a slightly alcoholic Sunday but your pictures are so apt. Humour always enlightens and enriches the human psyche most particularly when times are dark. It reminds us that tragedy is never more than a heartbeat away, whether its mass destruction or just a loss within a family.
Makes me think of the legendary “Grazie Govierno” written by the poor soul in Sicily whose house was obliterated by the lava flows diverted by the Italian Army to protect a nearby village. The guy literally took the time to have lunch and a glass of wine before scribbling his message and getting away as lava started to consume his house.
Etna is a nice place to live. But you have to carefully choose your location. Avoid valleys at all costs.
well i got the point and found the signs enjoyable. Thanks, Albert. Best!motsfo
Snow on Mauna Loa
I snapped a shot.
My kids love this song > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh4dTLJ9q9o
Big quake and shallow Iran Iraq border. Those countries are not having a good time at the moment.
Kurdistan, I think
Ouch! as if the first wasn’t enough at least 4 hefty aftershocks. With all the 5+ quakes recently I suppose it was only a matter of time before some poor souls got clobbered bith a 7+. Hopefully in a relatively uninhabited area. Bad news if not as I don’t think the buildings stand up to much in that area.
Fun Albert, thanks!
Never did end a volcanocafe article that fast… 😉
Its time someone kicks-ass-a-volcano to go off. It is quiet, is it?
Ominously quiet. Things may get us by surprise, coming from the absolute unexpected.
The regular morning..I’m trying not to venture into double entendre here…. But Agung always seems to start the day looking so frisky… Oh make up your own punchlines ! 😀
It’ll probably be flaccid before the morning coffee goes cold.
And like the movie…. Gone in 60 seconds
And back again Neil and steaming heavily. I heard there had been thunder but no rain during the night so what is Agung using for fuel now.
Also, why is it that whenever warning levels are dropped, things start to increase again? Only small increase but cannot be ignored with a volcano this volatile!
Time for the explosions, the crunching rock crushers and the rhythmic pulses of the conveyor belts to start. Just another day on the peaceful island of Bali! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Have a feeling of where it’s all headed..
-1st intrusion: fail.
-2nd intrusion: fail but closer to the brink
-3rd intrusion: now on a hair trigger…
-4th intrusion: anything walking on the mountain or looking at it the wrong way may set it off. Don’t even dare saying something mean about God Agung or you’ll get a facefull of andesite scoria.
These volcanoes do work like that. The conduits are stone-cold and sealed shut since the last eruption was 50+ years ago, thing has had the time to seal itself pretty well.
Now, the main chamber which feeds the whole system has exceeded its pressure limit and oozed some of its contents upwards. Since it’s so hermetically shut, there were no fireworks but a lot of rattling and banging as the magma made new channels inside. Some of it intersected with the deep aquifers and created the steam show.
Just wait for that chamber to reach critical pressure again. Next intrusion will get a lot less rattly (since the ducts are pre-made, no rocks to break). If it’s small volume it will add up to the stuff already festering inside the belly of the beast, which is slowly losing gas as times passes. Think of it as pre-1963 lava flow.
If it’s of a larger volume, il will break open the last few hundreds of meters to the surface (more rattle-shaka shaka bang-that’s where VSI should get *really* worried).
First things to vent will be the magma emplaced in last month’s crisis, which is thoroughly degassed and will well up as a lava dome or flow. Then, things may get friskier.
If it’s building a lava dome, it’s a very bad case scenario since it’s both plugging itself at the surface, while the magma in the innards will start to loose confining pressure (less hydrostatic pressure, just a cork to blow). Be prepared to run in a hurry when the cork gives. This is not very very likely, Agung is not producing the right lava type. Had it been a dacitic volcano like Mt St Helens, it would have been its way to go.
If it’s producing lava flows, hopefully the system won’t seal and pressure will escape more slowly. That means the volcano will ramp up progressively (as it did in 1963). Once the confining pressure inside goes below fragmentation pressure of the newly intruded magma (when all the bubbles will want to come out and play all at once, think mentos in soda), things will also quickly turn sour. But there has been more warning time.
Time will tell.
Well, unusually, it is STILL steaming heavily, but then it also appears to be raining.
I am a little concerned by a post from someone on the VC facebook page with a photo showing this kind of activity, apparently from their kitchen window, which looks worryingly close to Agung. What concerns me, regardless of it being either true or untrue, is their belief that the volcanologists were placed under pressure to drop the alert level.
That doesn’t bode well. People need to be able to have faith in the specialists, and that faith should be well-founded.
Neil. I don’t know about elsewhere but in Bali the volcanologists don’t set the warning levels, the government do! Can you see where I am going here? At least one volcanologist has been heard saying in an interview, “WE don’t set the warning levels, the government do!” I got the idea that the volcanologists were distancing themselves from the decision. I have all along been convinced that certain people have had financial interests at stake, and of course when one has to make such decisions it MUST be hard, do we let the island go bankrupt or drop the warning level. I am sure though that if things get worse there they may raise the level again. They also may leave it too late! Agung is not in my view showing any signs yet of going back to sleep.
Frances, up to a point I agree with you. There is clearly heat in the crater,as evidenced by the plume we see every day. There MAY be a lava dome in the crater. Others here have suggested there might be, but I wouldn’t know one if it fell on me !
It clearly isn’t sleeping.
The eq’s and the energy put out by them has however dropped a great deal since the start of the crisis. Again, I don’t pretend to know the significance. It seems to suggest that the move toward eruption stalled. That doesn’t mean it “un-happened”. The magma is clearly still there, and this is not the end of this episode.
But it is showing SOME signs of going back to sleep, whilst also showing signs that it is not yet committed to that outcome.
I am averse to reading between lines on what people say, when we have not just a language barrier, but a cultural separation as well, which for all I know could entirely change the way we should understand the nuance in such statements as have been made.
Where that leaves me is “Sit back, observe, and learn.”
As you say Neil, ” reading between lines on what people say” add that to Chinese Whispers and of course one could be led badly astray! Thanks for the note of caution.
Sod’s law with alert levels! Just like at Pinatubo as seen in the documentary.
At 16:44 is that a new vent on the left hand side of the crater now steaming ?
It’s interesting, but I think it’s impossible to say. It’s certainly vapour leaving the crater from an unusual position, but that could just as well be the wind making it swirl within the crater before it escapes. 16.47 is particularly interesting.
But until we’ve seen it do that for quite a while, or unless we get a new view into the crater itself it will be impossible to say, I think.
As a default i’d also go for wind making the emissions swirl around the crater but from 16.45-16.50 it does look like two separate plumes. Small spike on the siesmo around 16.40’ish also so maybe a small rock slide or some other event in the crater causing the plume to misbehave? Clearly a lot of moisture in the air, so a prominent plume is to be expected.
In regard to the warning levels, they have only scaled back one level so still on high alert so to speak and current activity while well above background is no where near that during the crisis. The issue here as always, is the habit of humankind to build settlements in apparently stupid places. Unfortunately, the cause for these places being unsafe is often the same thing that affords the area abundant natural resources, thus making it attractive for settlement.
And it is always the poor who are forced by circumstances to live in such a dangerous area. I really feel for those poor people there because they are mostly subsistence farmers and cannot be away from their crops or livestock, or even fishing on the coast, for any appreciable amount of time. The first evacuation was totally necessary as the levels of activity had gone dangerously high. However if a second evacuation is called will they obey? A big question with lots of ramifications.
Your last point is why I think it was a good reason to allow the local population back for now. A prolonged evac when there is little/lower obvious activity could lead to the idea of the the powers that be being over cautious and a loss of trust. Understandably so if you are being denied your livelihood.
I’d like to think that when the authorities do call another evac, the populace will generally listen. The last eruption was within living memory and devastating and that will hopefully mean a level of respect/caution is ingrained. The recent big EQ will also assist in this aspect. To my mind the real nightmare scenario would be multiple failed intrusions over a period of years then a big eruption.
I looked at it and wondered the same thing but as Neil says, we cannot yet be certain, a few days of clear calm weather should solve the doubt but when will we get that? 🙂
I DO know that the last two people who climbed down into the crater said it was very hot on the ground! That magma below is still heating the plug of that volcano and we don’t know how large that plug is or how long it will take to break through, so it could be months yet, or conversely it could all come to an end and cool down again. In my view that time isn’t yet for either scenario although, again personally, I feel it will break through some time in the coming months.
I see lightning away behind the mountain. Weather may be an issue overnight, but we may also get some decent silhouettes of Agung over the next couple of hours.
#Agung volcano, Bali. 12th November: A more dense emission plume was observed this morning. @vulkanologi_mbg also issued a yellow aviation alert for agung today: “plume observed with height 500m above summit ..”
ali Volcano : Mount Agung – Gunung Agung update real time 13112017 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF5uSGJyu1Y
I saw the plume at dawn on the 12th, very impressive.
Thick smoke still comes out from the crater of Mount Agung. Volcanic earthquakes continue to decline. Standby Status (level 3). 15 villages are in danger area. 64,000 people are still displaced. Emergency situation extended to 23/11/2017.
I was the lava dome theorist! I offered that idea after seeing the latest in-crater photos. I just felt it weird that what started out as a landslide was also bulging and steaming all over! I was hoping an expert would tell me if I was right, or talking a load of andesitic bombs. But my original comment was a question, not a statement. To my mind it looked larger than in early photos, and some of the sides were bulging. Time will tell.
What’s going on at Bardabunga? My old Google alert about it has been pinging off like crazy the last few weeks.
It would appear that the quakes are most likely the plug being pushed up as Barda re-pressurises. I am more interested with the line of quakes where the magma all ran along a dyke to emerge and erupt at Holrohaun, (please forgive spelling as I am an atrocious speller at the best of times but Icelandic names are way past my capability) and seeing the activity, although minor in that area I am wondering if once again it could release pressure in the same area.
Sennilegt að jarðhitavatnið eigi upptök vestar í Vatnajökli -http://www.mbl.is/frettir/innlent/2017/11/13/sennilegt_ad_jardhitavatnid_eigi_upptok_vestar_i_va/
Mount-Sinabung : http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/879059/Bali-volcano-update-Mount-Sinabung-erupt-eruption-Agung-Indonesia-pictures-photos
4.6 Bali Sea, another straw for Agung perhaps, quite a distance though for not too large a quake.
Surprised how low the value is. It’s a big old shake on the plot.
Gone up to 4.7 now and showing very well of course on the seismogram.
Of course the magnitude could still go down or up, they seem to take some time to be certain of a final value, also 20km depth could make a difference on the seismo I suppose. Just guessing here.
And another quake showing up, not as large as the bigger one but interesting for sure.
Thanks Albert, just the light hearted relief that was needed! 😀
Frequent reader, infrequent poster.
Do the quakes I’ve circled in red seem a little bit different than the typical quake we see on this plot? Seems to be more the build up/build down than the “crack / reverb” we normally see.
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I mentioned about 2-3 ago that there was a particular signature I was seeing on the plot that was occurring at regular intervals.
They were these. Back then, when there was less industrial noise on the plot and more eq activity I was seeing them every 7-9 minutes, but they were smaller….actually quite a bit smaller.
It was that prolonged attack of the transient before the peak that I was picking out. When small, they look like little balls on a stick.
Then they stopped.
A couple of days ago I started seeing them again, much bigger (this size) and very much arrhythmic.
This is where my hobby of working with soundfiles and home recording helps. This is a very reduced version of the sound of a swelling , blossoming, then fading gong.
It might also be something else…but to me, the sort of thing that makes a sound like that is a building vibration which reaches a critical intensity, and that causes a sudden release..like a structure failing, allowing a rush of releasing pressure. The spike in the middle is something failing… releasing something else it was previously restricting…Like a valve.
Are these something akin to a drumbeat?
By which I don’t mean a real drum. The transients from those looks different….A volcanic drumbeat.
2-3 WEEKS…ago .
Conceivably… If that is the cause, then the transient is best understood in 3 phases.
1. The sand slides.(attack phase)
2. The main mass hits its new resting place with a considerable smack (the big peak).
3. The remaining sand catches up and settles. (decay phase).
My biggest problems with that are twofold.
The similarity of the events…like they’re all impacting the same surface, after falling down a similar slope. (if not, then some slides would hit different shaped locations, like maybe a less severe slope, leading to multiple peaks).
Secondly, in most cases that middle spike is just too sharp and singular for sand or gravel. Now in all likelihood,, the events will not be a fall of pure sand, but a merry mixture of sand, gravel, and larger boulders.. The spikes are just (generally) too sharp and distinct for that. I’m much more tempted by the idea (if they were sound events) that the central peak is a singular, almost momentary event.
But it IS conceivable.
I really like your descriptions.! Takes someone with your sound experiense and imagination. Wonder what a sonar specialist operator would hear/see
I wish there was an “edit” feature on this page, so that I didn’t clutter the page with my addenda !
Albert, One alteration to the scenario re sand would make it vastly more plausible.
Sand falling into water !
Eddie, regarding your comment below. I hear you…
Definitely a GONG though 😀
A gong – or Agung?
Yep, they immediately caught my eye when i checked the seismo this morning. The biggest was around 9 am bali local time, although that one may possibly be two quakes superimposed? What would be really helpful would be knowing the location or at least the depth for these.
They’re roughly symmetrical; they starts, rise to a peak, and decay. That’s something I would often find associated with traffic – foot or vehicle – approaching the geophone, reaching the closest point to the geophone, and receding again.
I think you may have it.
About half were (on previous occasions) convex on the attack and concave on the decay, whilst the rest were definitely symmetrical. Even the variations can be easily explained if the traffic is passing rather than approaching the sensor then turning around. All it would take would be a change of the surface of the track, say from a gravel track to a proper laid roadway, or grass.
Sometimes I guess I’m just not thinking prosaic enough.
Some time ago the Indonesian Earth quake authorities made drone film of the Agung crater. Has anyone seen any recent pictures? It would be interesting to see what has happened there in recent weeks.
That would be very useful.
The weather of late may have been a limiting factor
Live” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuLYXxOFNSo
Thanks Pyter.
This morning’s steam display should be visible at some point in the next 30 minutes or so.
5.48 local time. The steam is doing it’s thing… but 2 comments.
It’s beautiful ! It’s bright pink in the early morning light.
It seems to be pushing out under some pressure this morning. It’s not really rising gently as it has recently. There’s a little force behind it.
Another off-topic but surprising just the same.
Skip through as you wish.
I served my time working with expert bricklayers. That is art. “Next level ” stuff.
Footage from the 1963 eruption:
The heat under the ice of Antartica has been mapped
The paper itself though is paywalled, even though there is now a requirement that publicly funded research is publicly accessible (it may be available through some other route). It still amazes me that people are willing to spend years of their life writing cutting edge papers, and than stopping people from reading it.
I wonder if this would explain the Dry Valleys in Antarctica? Perhaps high enough background heat, although of course extremely cold during winter, to prevent ice forming? I don’t really know as I am just an ‘armchair adventurer’ but I did have a relative on Shackleton’s Transantarctic Expedition and have read part of his expedition diaries, so I have a great interest in Antarctica.
The dry valleys are thought to be caused by a variety of topographic and climatic conditions. In short, the transantarctic mountain chain prevents any humidity from reaching the valleys. In addition, this leads to extremely dry and cold winds “falling” into the valleys. The extremely low humidity of those winds “sucks” out any humidity of the soil and leaves a hyperarid wasteland. Precipitation in the valleys tops out at only 3-50mm per year.
I don’t think it has anything to do with ground heat.
Thanks for the reply Leonard and also the explanation of the cause of the Dry Valleys and having done more research since I posed the question I can see that you are correct. The dry valleys appear to be a very interesting place and some interesting articles to read about on the internet, so I have a new subject to read up on during the winter months. A very fascinating anomaly in an otherwise ice covered continent.
Well worth a watch https://www.nzgeo.com/video/katabatic/ Gives you a good feel of the remoteness of the place.
Who was your relative on the Shackleton expedition?
He was the first Padre to be on the Antarctic. Arnold Spencer Smith and died on the way back from a depot laying trip, due to a previously unknown heart condition exacerbated by scurvy and was buried on the ice near White Island on the Ross Sea. He was actually a first cousin of my grandfather and second cousin to my mother.
His diary makes quite interesting reading, my aunt was allowed a copy by the museum (sorry I forget the name) in Cambridge and I was able to read the interesting, although obviously at times harrowing, diary of their trips on the ice laying depots of provisions for Shackleton who sadly never made it across the continent due to his own difficulties on this ice on the other side of the continent. If you are interested a good book on the subject is ‘Shackleton’s Forgotten Men’ a harrowing tale of heroism as they tried to lay depots for Shackleton (who was doomed never to use them) despite being desperately low on supplies due to their ship dragging it’s anchor and blowing away in a gale before all the supplies were unloaded. They were also true heroes!
Link to Wiki article, not entirely factual but nonetheless interesting.
Interestingly it was Arnold’s descriptions of Mount Erebus erupting that first sparked my interest in volcanos.
Yes, I knew the story from Shackleton’s book. The loss of the stores of the Aurora was bad luck.
If you have the patience to watch, there’s a lightning storm taking place on the far side of the mountain providing spectacular momentary views of the summit. I MAY have witnessed one strike actually on the summit around the crater. Roll it back and watch from 1.55 local time.
I Saw the strike too a couple of minutes ago. Direct hit to the crater. Quite a steam plume rising tonight!
startling…. 🙁
Was that a plume of steam from the crater showing when the strike struck the crater?
The time was approx 1:56 14 .
Keep watching. There are one or two great silhouettes to follow. Yes, I would say it makes the plume look very impressive, but that doesn’t mean it’ll all be visible come daybreak..
Looks great though.
Yesterday was not very visible. Here it is! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAmFZm6vQWU&feature=youtu.be&a=
And now it’s pink plume time. This only lasted a few minutes yesterday…It’s worth seeing.
The plume seems to be much stronger now its going higher up and also it looks darker than before.
Very nice pink plume, so pretty and peaceful 😀
Swebby that link about the Katabatic wind at the South pole was Great!!! Gold Star! Best!motsfo
An impossible to miss plume from Agung now, wider and higher, still steam at the moment though. I wonder why the workers at the sand mine finished early today? Maybe another festival this evening? It is so nice to just glance and see the plume today rather than peering through clouds for a glimpse.
And today we’re also being treated to an evening “Pink-off” of the plume.
I’m going to learn how to do screen captures before the next sunrise. They are so very ephemeral, but really quite beautiful.
If windows hit the “print screen” button.
The monitors display will be copied to clipboard. Paste into your favourite photo editor, crop and save.
Personally I find irfanview a most excellent free editor but microsoft paint will do just as well.
Yes, it’s very obvious today. Probably will find that conditions are very conducive for an impressive looking plume, as the formation of clouds in the summit valleys would seem to indicate. I feel however that it does seem to be coming up from larger area of the rim, possibly at three different points. What we need is a dry cloudless day for comparison.
I have really liked the temple camera angle over the past couple of days, mist in the forest and a very clear plume from a symmetrical cone looks wonderfully primeval. Reminds me of the cliched art in the dinosaur books of my youth
I used to have that book…
Likewise !
I used to collect the How and Why Wonder Books.
But how do I know this is a later issue?
The price….. It’s not in ” new pence” or shillings.
Mine was in new pence.
All I know is gas was 25 cents per gallon. Oddly, the silver content of a pre 1964 US Quarter is still roughly the cost of a gallon of gas.
Descent from Gunung Agung’s status in ‘Alert’. :http://www.pikiran-rakyat.com/mapay-bandung/2017/11/15/gunung-agung-siaga-bali-aman-dikunjungi-akhir-tahun-413823
It reads like an economics-based decision, as there is relatively little said regarding data on the activity of Agung. I hope it is a properly informed decision.
I think it is hard for some of us Westerners to realise exactly how much economics MUST enter into such decisions on Island States. No work in UK and we have a fall back scheme in place, no work in Bali and you go hungry, then you get disease if you become malnourished, then you can die anyway! So I can understand now why economics must come into such decisions. Unless there is immediate danger, as was the case initially, then they will continue to lower levels but if the quake levels rise to figures as high as the initial evacuation levels then I am sure they will once again sound the warning and that time they WILL be hoping Agung gets on with it, erupts and then goes back to letting them live a peaceful life once again. I must admit I am glad I am not the one to have to make such decisions but I can also see that although the plume is higher and heavier than ever, the EQ levels are very low, apart from the times they are shaken up by large quakes elsewhere.
Based on the report by Anwar Sidiq of the KESDM, Geological Survey, PVMBG Observation Post Agung Volcano has stated from mid-afternoon crater smoke low pressure observed white with intensity and height 200-700 meters above the peak crater.
Seismicity in the last 12 hours is also increasing. From 12:00 to 18:00 the earthquake occurred 17 times. Consisting of 14 times of deep volcanic earthquakes, 2 shallow volcanic earthquakes and local tectonic earthquakes only 1 time.
At 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m., the earthquake occurred only 10 times. Among the non-harmonic tremor earthquakes occur once, superficial volcanism 3 times, volcanic 4 times, local tectonic 1 times and tectonics only 1 time.
google translator
After a long period of calm, Mount Agung re-released sulfatara smoke. It is quiet at around 18:00 WITA, Wednesday (15/11) thick clouds seen visible sparks from the highest crater of this mountain in Bali.
Observation of PVMBG Observation Post against the Apostle Agung justifies the concentrated smoke record issued by Gunung Agung and tends to increase.-google translator
The last six hours of the Great Mountain remove Sulfatara smoke as high as 700 meters – http://suarabali.com/enam-jam-terakhir-gunung-agung-keluarkan-asap-sulfatara-setinggi-700-meter/
“The hazard prediction zone is dynamic and continues to be evaluated and can be changed at any time following the most recent observations of Mount Agung’s observations. ” That at least is good to know, I did see quite a few of them watching the large plume today, at least one appeared to be using binoculars.
Early morning in Bali now and no pretty pink plume today, replaced by a dark grey one, to my eyes it looks far more ominous this morning. I AM a practising coward though! I think the Balinese are either a very brave people or a very fatalistic people. Most likely a good mixture of both! I just couldn’t live under that brooding, smoking monster at any cost!
Really that plume no longer looks to be just steam to me, I reckon there is likely to be a good quantity of smoke in there too, fumes at least! It looks like Agung is badly stressed and has started chain smoking the Woodbines! Only ones of my age are likely to know what Woodbines were. I had an Uncle who chain smoked them and going into his room would be what I imagine going into Agung’s plume now would be. Kippered in 5 minutes.
Just seen that second plume to the left on the BUKIT cam. 100% certain of that! Things are hotting up at Agung I think but then the whole of the Ring of Fire is extremely restless at the moment. I will be happier when those people leave again.
Just as well there was no plume. I’ve spent the last hour trying to get screenshots working, to no avail.
I really dislike Windows 10 !
I may be proved totally wrong, but I don’t think the steam is anything but steam, and I don’t really think it signifies TOO much, with the seismograph looking so quiet. That was a very intense looking thunder storm 24 hours ago, and I would guess a lot of water is finding its way down toward the hotter rocks.
What do I know though…Not that much.
I might know a little more if the data were more easily available, such as uplift etc.
Dark black water allegedly cold lava flows from the direction of Mount Agung – https://www.instagram.com/p/BbiHFraFyF3/
Interesting article, not yet conclusive.
Meant to say, not conclusive as it hasn’t yet been checked by the authorities but it is unusual enough to worry the villagers who have live their since children and not seen anything like it.
*There not their!
Never forget Neil, seismographs can go very quiet once the work of the lava breaking through the hard rock is either finished or close to finished. I am NOT saying that has happened yet, but more things than seismographs have to be taken into account when checking if an eruption is going to occur. That is one of the few things I have learned in the 10 years I have been volcano watching. I will however never be an expert, just a watcher, and as such I don’t rule out things based on a seismogram only.
Even in Iceland they become very guarded over their data when an eruption is imminent. That is sadly a necessary evil as too many people trying to access it can overwhelm the ability of their computers to cope and cause them to crash which of course could mean vital data lost.
Frances, which of those articles were you referring to? There’s a whole menu there.
I am aware that the dropping off of seismic activity could signify that the plumbing is pretty much unblocked, and I am assuming that to be the case myself. From what I know it is indeed loaded and ready to go.
But it hasn’t erupted. So something has thusfar prevented it from doing so.
I surmise that there is still rock to be cracked open, for that reason. It may be one single blockage , or several. But something has put a cork in it for now.
I’m as sure as I can be that it will erupt at some point, but that might be hours, months, or years away. This is my position, exactly as it was a few days ago, because the only thing which has changed since then is that the plume is more visible…..but then it’s been raining, so why wouldn’t it be more visible?
I think we need further corroborating evidence before we jump to the conclusion that eruption may be imminent. I believed that around the 20 Oct some small amount of lava did indeed make it to the surface of the crater, but since then the data from COMBINED readings has mostly suggested it’s backed off for now
1) Display your picture on your screen.
2) Hit the “Print Screen” button on your keyboard.
3) type “paint” in cortana/search
4) Open “Paint”
5) Click on “paste” top left hand corner (“File should be highlighted”) Twice
6) The screen dump will be displayed
7) Click on “select” (rectangular)
8) Select the bit you want.
9) Click “crop”, your selection should be shown on its own.
10) Save in the usual way.
There are quicker ways if you are set up appropriately.
Therein lies the difficulty.
Any way I try it, there appears to be no screenshot. There is no screenshots folder, either on my pc or on one drive.. If they are being saved anywhere, I haven’t found the location yet… so I can’t even verify that screenshots are being captured.
might I suggest when you get your new laptop you try pickpic…
that’s what I use…
Have you looked in the cloud?
On my machine they go into the ‘desktop’ folder, whether I want that or not. The OS is clear about who owns my computer.
I have. One Drive is the windows online cloud storage. Followed all the instructions… The file I needed to direct things to simply didn’t exist !
Neil, if you’re just pressing the ‘print screen’ button they don’t save anywhere (unless you have other snipping tools running), they are just held in the ether until you paste them into paint or other graphics program. I think farmeroz had it covered in a previous comment.
Thanks for trying to help.
I HAVE tried all of the above. I’ll leave it. Especially as I have a new laptop coming my way in the next few days.
coming tomorrow on the VCMAP:
Earthquake data from EMSC and something rather special for Iceland…
A return of the map with all the drumplots 😀
What on Earth is this?
Perhaps the category explains it…. entertainment?
Tinta Lombok
Published on Nov 15, 2017
Standard YouTube License
Someone’s idea of fun maybe?
I have a more accurate term, but civility says to keep it to myself.
(Being a retired sailor, you can imagine what that term may be. Carls #1 rule is to “be nice,” so I will.)
the photos remind me of Sinabung… some of the early nite shots.
I’m almost certain it’s Sinabung, a very much speeded up bit of webcam footage
Interesting development at Sakurajima; I think that’s the first time I’ve seen incandescence from the central Minami-dake crater. 98% of the activity in the last few years has been at the Showa crater – but in the last couple of weeks or so it seems to have switched to Minami.
How far are they apart?
Thanks. I would guess that the conduits separate a kilometer or so below the level of Showa. Do they ever activate at the same time?
mmmm kinda…
That may mean there are two separate reservoirs, rather than a split conduit, although the reservoirs would still be fed by the same chamber below.
Kilauea has some gas. 3.1 at 1.7 miles today with one in the same area on 10/21 at 3.1 at 1.5 miles.
Those signs are hillarious. They remind me of a town not far from here that has a sign on a chain linked fence saying, Dead End. On the other side of the fence is the cemetery. 🙂
The funniest sign above is not volcano related. It is on the ‘dead end’ photo, the sign on the left – in german.
I wonder where that large one has come from, somewhere along Indonesia I would guess from the size of it.
This one I guess.
2017-11-16T10:50:39.4Z -8.35 118.84 4.5 175 SUMBAWA REGION, INDONESIA
South Korea’s earthquake
That was a 5.4? Is that city built on material that undergoes liquefaction? The ground movement seemed much more severe.
Maybe it was the very shallow depth at only 10km that caused more damage for the size.
Quite a shallow quake, I think, in a region where shaking is rare. Don’t underestimate an M5.
Alluvium is quite prone to liquefaction.
Smoke/steam is now coming from the center of Agung mt top. Yesterday it seemed to be coming from the right side but it could be a different wind or lack of wind.
Someting going on under Bardarbunga glasier : http://www.jonfr.com/volcano/?p=7178
Jon has also posted in regards to öræfajökull run off conductivity. Looking at photos of öræfajökull, the glaciers strike me as being somewhat precipitous. I do wonder about their stability in the event of a significant hydro thermal activity let alone an actual eruption.
Two small quakes just SE of Hekla today at about 9.5km depth. I think these are very interesting since this is the area that was active during the very short run up before the last eruption.
In general, this year we have seen quite a few medium sized readjustments along the SISZ. I wouldn’t be surprised to see an M6+ quake, a Hekla eruption, or both in a near future.
Disclaimer: I’m not an expert, so this could all be utter bollocks.
I love your volcanic self confidence… your post put a smile on my face this morning. Thanks Tomas!
Just trying to self guard against the “Imminent combination of earthquake and volcanic eruption threatens life as we know it” type of tabloid headlines 😀
The first paragraph is no joke though. The earthquake pattern does look a bit similar to the last run up. The difference is that back then it took a few minutes to form a pattern that is similar to the previous 48 hours when you look at a radius of about 20km around Hekla. Those deep quakes are surely more interesting than the surface quakes we have been seeing lately.
The second paragraph is pure speculation on my part and may simply be due to the human tendency to spot patterns where there are none.
New post is up! VC goes BIG in mapping and providing data for the citizen scientist